First boy gay sex stories

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'Well then maybe you should watch the buttons you press with me, because there are a couple that will make me sing all your secrets like a little birdy.' 'That was supposed to be a secret.' Jason said with a bitter tone 'Well, well, well look who was given a day off from the funny farm, tell me is it true that the orderlies beat you to make you take your meds, or do they just shove it down your throat, like your used to?' The look on Jason's face went from confident to downright angry He noted that the culprit was none other than his long time rival Jason Schmidt, now Andrew maybe slightly undersized, but he's no push over 'Watch it fag' Andrew was slightly taken aback as this was the first time he'd been called that particular phrase. It was a typical day at school, he blended in just fine, with his Abercrombie style and boyish charms, most people got along just great with his. Because, well it's one thing to pop a boner, but a completely different story to pop one in the locker room.

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To continue, as most boys know gym class in a high school can be a godsend, or a blessing from hell.

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